The Participant List is where you will tell us who is coming to camp and assign things like housing pairs and Life Group numbers for your group. This is also where you can view who has submitted a waiver, sign the Church Agreement form, and more!
Your unique Participant List can be accessed via your Camp Registration Landing Page. Just click the button below
You will need your Registration ID and the email associated with your camp registration to log in. Your REG ID can be found on any camp statement or in previous camp newsletters.
Participant Lists are available beginning in March and are due 14 days before your camp.
Example Participant List
In this Example: Amanda, Evelyn, Joe and Henry would all be in the Same Life Group.
Amanda and Rebekah want to room together and if Student Life needs to put 4 people in a room, We would combine group A and B together (not mixing genders). If we have a room that sleeps 6, we would combine group A, B and C together.

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